protein secondary structure prediction中文什么意思

发音:   用"protein secondary structure prediction"造句
  • protein:    n. 【化学】朊,蛋白(质)。
  • secondary:    adj. 1.第二(位)的,第二次的 ...
  • structure:    n. 1.构造,结构;组织;石理,石 ...
  • prediction:    n. 1.预言,预告。 2.被预言的 ...
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  1. A novel approach was introduced to process and analyze the data sets for protein secondary structure prediction based on database technologies via constructing a database of the prediction data sets
  2. This thesis discussed two important topics in the biological sequence analysis . safss and data mining method for protein secondary structure prediction are of importance , which lay the foundation for the further research for author
  3. The biological sequence analysis research content mainly includes the sequence alignment , the protein structure prediction , and the genome sequence analysis etc . the thesis studied the pair - wise sequence alignment algorithms and the protein secondary structure prediction methods emphatically
  4. In this thesis , the function of one sequence dsg10 was predicted by bioinformatics analysis , the transgenic tobacco of dsg 10 was obtained : 1 . dsg10 was analyzed by bioinformatics methods , including open reading frame ( orf ) analysis , blast , protein secondary structure prediction and phylogenetic analysis . the sequence probably code a nitrate transporter in the membrane
    研究的主要内容包括: 1 、运用生物信息学方法对dsg10序列进行了分析,包括序列的读框分析、同源性比较、蛋白质结构分析、二级结构预测以及该序列的进化关系分析,初步预测该序列可能编码一种位于生物膜上的硝酸盐运输蛋白。


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  5. protein secondary structure 什么意思
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  8. protein sequence 什么意思
  9. protein sequence analysis 什么意思
  10. protein sequence phylogenetics 什么意思



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